Powerful Tips into Motherhood


Many of us question what makes a good mother and what characteristics she has.

First and foremost, when we discuss what makes a good mother, we must remember that this does not imply perfection! No mother is perfect, and we don’t really want to be, do we?

So, there’s always the age-old issue of how to be a great mum. What can we do to improve our chances of being a good mother and teach our kids good manners aside from being smart with high IQ – online iq test free?

Here are some helpful hints on how to be a good mother.

1. Let go of your inner critic.

Being a good mother entails letting go of your inner critic.

No mother should ever put herself in the shoes of another parent. No two moms are similar, just as no two children are identical, and each parenting style has its own place.

2. Your best will suffice.

We all want to give it our all, but the trouble arises when we believe that our best isn’t good enough.

We may feel that our efforts fall short no matter what we do, but consider how your son or daughter views things, particularly when they’re young.

Do you think they’ll notice that their mother couldn’t afford to get them the Halloween outfit they wanted?


3. Take better care of yourself so you can perform at your best.

Being a mother requires a lot of self-care. A mother who does not look for herself is unable to look after her children.

For example, a sick mother who refuses to go to the doctor may get worse and weaker until she is unable to even get up to bring her kid food.


4. Less is more in this case.

The great lengths you took to arrange them the ideal birthday celebration may be lost on them. They won’t recall the large stack of gifts.

5. Being a good mother requires effective communication.
When we’re trying to find out how to be a good parent, communication is crucial.

Communication is about far more than the amount of words that come out of your child’s mouth, regardless of how much or how little he or she speaks to you.


Comparing E-Readers & Tablets – Which Should You Get For Your Mom?

With our world full of computers, tablets, smartphones and other electronic devices, it could at times look as if electronic eBook readers are old news. However, according to survey, there is one specific demographic who is cheerfully embracing and loving the device over others – mothers.

Since Christmas is fast approaching, you may want to consider purchasing an eBook reader for your mom, especially if she is an avid reader and the bookshelves are already full or perhaps your mother is always on the go and loves to read books to keep herself occupied or entertained. An eBook reader can indeed be an ideal Christmas gift for her.

Comparing E-Readers & Tablets – Which Should You Buy For Your Mom?

When it comes to finding the perfect e-reader for your mom, you could easily be overwhelmed with the options available in the market today. Regardless of your choice, make certain an e-ink screen is used so it won’t cause strain to her eyes. If your mom loves to read while soaking in the tub or to read by the pool, go for waterproofed e-readers.

What about tablets, you might ask. Why not get a tablet for your mom instead of an e-reader? Truth is, a tablet can also be a great gift for your mom as most tablets have the capability to download and read eBooks as well. Apart from being able to download and read eBooks, your mom could also play games, check e-mails, listen to music, watch videos and many more.

So, which one should you purchase? Comparing E-Readers & Tablets is one of the ways to determine which you think will best match and meet your mom’s eBook reading needs. While a both devices have the capability to store and read eBooks, both have different eBook reading features and tools, which means your reading experience on both devices would very much differ.

When comparing e-readers & tablets, there are key difference that you have to consider. Here are some:

  • SCREEN AND DISPLAY. Most e-readers come with a 6-inch display, whereas tablets have wider screens, typically 10 inches. In terms of color, e-readers are specifically for reading so they only come in B&W screens so as to allow a more immersive reading experience. They are great for reading fiction tittles. Tablets are for entertainment which is why they have colored screens, which is great for picture books as well as non-fiction books. E-readers have e-ink screens which are glare free making reading much easier and comfortable to the eyes. Tablets make use of LCD screens. Light from the LCD screen should be brighter than the light reflected to it so as to see the display well.
  • BATTERY LIFE. The battery life of e-readers is longer compared to tablets. It could last for days and even weeks. On the other hand, battery life of tablets would last between 4 hours to 10 hours.
  • PORTABILITY. When it comes to size and weight, e-readers are smaller and lighter, whereas tablets are larger and a little heavier. This is because of the added data storage, processing, as well as the other functions it needs to perform.

Setting Up Your Baby’s Room

Decorating the baby’s room is perhaps the most fun thing you can do. Nine months of anticipation and time to think about what that little creature will look like, what he or she needs, and how it will look best in the room. Of course, there are a few things to keep in mind while decorating. With this Ideabook we help you a little bit to get this special room in order for that very special family member. With these simple steps, you can set up your baby quickly, practically, and beautifully and you will have all the more time to enjoy that little one. Before we begin, visit for more information about the tools you need to use.

Where is the baby room

It is important to think carefully about where the baby’s room will be. Not that you always have a choice. Sometimes there is only one room left and the baby will have to settle for that. If you can choose, it is useful to choose a room close to your own bedroom. Chances are you’ll still need to get out often at night to feed, put the pacifier back in the mouth, or relieve some other discomfort for the baby. Then it is handy if your child is nearby and you don’t have to go through the whole house. If the baby’s room is close to your own bedroom, you can also hear the baby better, if you don’t want to rely entirely on the baby monitor. A comforting thought.

What furniture do you need?

Of course, there are a few basics that cannot be missing in the baby room. The baby needs somewhere to sleep so start with a crib. Once your child is slightly older, you can switch to a bed that he or she cannot climb out of. And it’s always nice to hang a mobile above the bed. You also need a cupboard space to store all the nice children’s clothes, but also diapers and toys. Closet space can optionally be combined with the chest of drawers, which we will discuss in more detail later. Then it’s nice to put a nice chair in the baby’s room. There you can feed the baby the last time before going to sleep, or read a story when he or she is a little older.

Chest of drawers

Then the dresser. Definitely one of the most important pieces of furniture in a baby’s room. You can use this to change diapers and dress the baby. You can also set up the bath here if your baby is taking a bath. When purchasing a chest of drawers, carefully consider how high it should be. Check how tall you are and at what height you like to ‘work’. If the commode is too high, you can’t reach it properly, if the commode is too low, your back can hurt. Make sure that there is always enough space in the changing table to store diapers, cleaning cloths, and other baby supplies such as hydrophilic diapers. It is also advisable to hang an (open) cupboard above the changing table, out of the reach of the little one, where you can put things such as buttocks cream, baby oil, and things such as nail clippers and a thermometer so that you always have this at hand.


Choosing the right mattress is very important. A good night’s sleep is crucial for a child and so is a good children’s mattress. For a child it is even more important than for an adult; for example, babies sleep more than 20 hours a day. A good mattress should ventilate well and it should not get too hot. A children’s mattress should also not be soft, due to the risk of suffocation, but it should certainly not be hard. In addition, a children’s mattress must be resilient and provide good support and, of course, be free from harmful substances.

With or without plants

Plants have a purifying effect. They filter the air, making it cleaner and healthier. So: yes, there are plants in the nursery. And in addition to the purifying effect, it also looks very nice and gives the room a natural look. It goes without saying that you should not put down poisonous plants, so check what you buy carefully. Plants with the most purifying effect are ivy, grass lily, spoon plant, and aglaonema. Always place the plants somewhere that your baby cannot reach and where they cannot be knocked over quickly.

Try to think long term

The last thing you want is to work in your newborn’s room. So make sure everything is ready on time. Also, try to think long-term. So that you don’t have to get back to work after a few months. Think about what your child needs in the short and somewhat longer term. Provide plenty of closet space, plenty of room to play, and consider a crib that can grow with your child.

Postpartum Disorder – The Next Battle after Childbirth

New mothers are more likely to experience different emotions at once after giving birth. You might feel anything from sadness, fear to joy. On the other hand, your feelings of sadness might potentially escalate and begin to interfere with your day-to-day life.

How PPD Starts?

Normally, this takes place within a few weeks of you giving birth. Though there might be some who experience this few months after. It might consist of a number of things from:

  • Challenges bonding with your newborn
  • Being indecisive
  • Difficulty in thinking and;
  • Mood swings

PPD is a normal thing and it actually affects 1 out of 7 women in the US.

Dealing with PPD

One of the most effective and proven ways of diagnosing and treating PPD is by paying your doctor a visit.

They are capable of evaluating your symptoms and thus, providing the ideal treatment for your situation. You might benefit from undergoing psychotherapy, taking antidepressant or at times, the combination of the two.

What You can do for Yourself?

Obviously, there are a number of things that you may do at home to fight postpartum disorder. Well, it may include but not limited to the following:

Engage in Workout Program

According to research, it says that a good natural antidepressant for women is through exercising. To be more specific, walking with the baby in a stroller can be a good option, which serves as a nice mother-baby bonding.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

Remember this, eating alone is not going to stop your PPD. Still, you need to make it a habit to eat nutritious foods that helps you to feel better and to supply your body with the minerals and nutrients needed.

Men Experience it too

While it is pretty common for women to experience PPD, there are also men who go through the same thing. Now, what they feel might be the same with women but how they respond to the situation could be different. For example, there are some men who are increasing the frequency of their workout to deal with the situation, some purchase for stuff to keep themselves looking appealing and more.

Sleeping Advice For Your Child

The internet is filled with advice for new moms like you. But sometimes, it’s really frustrating if you are not able to access this information due to locked phone access. Many iPhone users are having the same issue because of Apple devices’ high-security measures. But this is no longer a problem with iCloud remover so that you can easily access all information you need to know about raising your newborn.

In this post, we are going to give you free tips. Read on for some tips to help you and your baby sleep easily with no problems.

Sleeping Advice For Your Child

Your baby’s sleep is very precious. Dreambaby gives you some tips so that your baby will sleep just like a baby should… and you too!. 

The Sleep of a Newborn Baby

Did you know that a baby sleeps as much in its first 3 years of life as an adult in 8 years? Newborn babies sleep about 16 to 20 hours a day. When they are 3 to 12 months old, they sleep 13 to 14 hours at night and take two to three naps during the day. That is why it is important to create a comfortable place where your baby can sleep peacefully. A crib or baby bed with bars is ideal. You can also turn a park into a cozy place to sleep: ideal for naps during the day. What do you need? A firm mattress, cozy sheets, a soft sleeping bag, and a baby blanket are real must-haves. Thanks to its sleeping bag, your baby will lie comfortably and safely without getting its head under the sheets.

Baby’s Position

Your newborn baby can’t turn around on its own yet, so he often sleeps in the same position for hours on end. It is recommended to put your baby on his back to sleep. To keep him in this position, you can use a supine cushion. Is your baby a tummy sleeper? Then choose bedding that is sufficiently air permeable. If your child often vomits, it is best to lay him on his side with a side-lying pillow. Make sure to alternate both sides to avoid flattening the head. An ergonomic pillow can also prevent flattening. Your child only needs a pillow from the age of two!

The room temperature

The ideal bedroom temperature is around 18 °C. The air in the room must also be healthy. The ideal humidity is between 40% and 60%. You can determine and maintain the humidity level with a hygrometer. If necessary, you can place a humidifier in the room.

From 4 months

Once your baby is 4 months old, it is best to always let him sleep in the same place. Slowly but surely, his room becomes his place where he spends all his naps and nights. Prepare a warm bed for him with a suitable mattress and the right accessories: mattress protector, cover, sleeping bag.

Reassure your baby

Some babies find their sleep rhythm quickly, after 3 or 4 months. If that is the case with your child, you must be happy parents! However, your child can still have periods in which he sleeps restlessly, for example during a growth jump. It is important to have a regular bedtime ritual every night: bath him, sing a lullaby, or, when he is a little older, read a story. This way your baby knows it’s time to sleep. If your child is afraid of the dark, put a watch light in the room to reassure him at night.

and reassure yourself

Parents sometimes find it difficult to leave their children alone in the room. A baby monitor can offer solace: so you can hear immediately when your baby wakes up. You can choose an audio baby monitor or a video baby monitor that lets you hear and see your baby.

What if your baby doesn’t sleep?

Despite all your efforts and good intentions, your little one doesn’t want to go to sleep or wake up crying at night. Your baby may be sick, so it’s best to check his temperature first. If all is well, a doudou or pacifier may help him calm down and fall asleep. Tip: one day you have to wash your baby’s favorite doudou. A second cuddle cloth is ideal. First, keep the Doudou with you overnight, so that your baby is reassured the next night by your familiar scent.

How to keep mosquitoes away?

There are mosquito repellent devices with ultrasonic vibrations for your baby’s room. You will also find mattresses whose mattress cover has been treated with a mosquito-repellent product.

Does your child have a cold?

Of course, your child does not sleep as well when he is sick. If you have cold, nasal congestion, or earache, you can raise the head of the bed slightly to relieve pressure on the baby’s ears. For this, you can use bed blocks that you can easily place under the legs of the bed. An inclined pillow also aids your baby’s breathing and digestion. There are also mattresses that you can convert into an inclined plane, such as the Evolution Premium from Aerosleep. Handy for a cold, but also ideal to reduce the symptoms of reflux!

For the first time in a ‘big’ bed

Sleeping in an adult bed for the first time is an important step for a child. He is no longer protected by bars like in his baby bed. To prevent your child from falling out of his new large bed, you can place a bed closure. Your child will feel more at ease and you too can sleep soundly.