The coexistence of children and dogs is an exciting and at the same time wonderful topic. Whether parents or dog owners, everyone should think about educating children and dogs to live together harmoniously.
How the coexistence of child and Chihuahua can be harmonious
Dogs in the family can be a wonderful asset, teaching children responsibility, respect, and empathy. Dogs can be friends, playmates, and comforters at the same time. You can promote your child’s psychosocial skills, enter into emotional relationships and communicative skills, and reduce stress. But all this only if the conditions for living together are right.
Help to educate your children and dogs in such a way that living together is harmonious and unwanted incidents are prevented. Incidentally, in contrast to other dangers in life, biting incidents are relatively rare. Unfortunately, these are often exaggerated in the media. One of the easiest ways to prevent unwanted incidents involving children is to change the behavior of the children towards dogs like Chihuahuas. Experts can provide you with advice on how to care for a Chihuahua.
Your own dog – what needs to be considered?
In society, dogs are kept almost exclusively as family dogs these days. You are part of the family. Certain rules apply in a family, but there are also freedoms, and the needs of the individual are taken into account. See yourself in the role of parenting towards your dog as well. Parents set rules where necessary, but at the same time give freedom, and promote healthy development and self-confidence.
Tips for a harmonious coexistence of child and dog
You should never expect a dog to let children do anything they can think of with it. Every dog is an individual in its own right. Every living being will defend its own welfare and health. Eyes, ears, muzzle, nose, and paws are very sensitive areas. Children may not pull dogs’ ears, tails, fur, or pinch, kick, or otherwise inflict pain on dogs.
Children should never drag dogs out of nowhere or pick up dogs. Nor should a dog roughly pounce on children to play with them. Reward the dog for desired behavior and calmly intervene in the event of rough behavior. Never act aggressively, physical assaults lead to stress, fear, and further aggression.
As a parent, you have a responsibility to teach both your child and your dog that certain rules apply. Therefore, you should generally not allow wild and rough play between child and dog. Teach your children the proper way to touch their dog gently from the side.