Parents Should Know How To Prevent Dangerous Content From YouTube

How to avoid dangerous videos without showing them to children

YouTube is popular with elementary school students, but there are many problems. There are also videos that are harmful to children. For example, the other day, a 7-year-old boy from the United States who imitated the ” video that ignites himself or makes a fireball on his hand ” called the fire challenge that was popular on YouTube There was an accident that caused burns. As such incidents continued, the YouTube side deleted the fire challenge video and prohibited it by the rules, but there are many cases where the child was injured or died by imitating the video seen on YouTube.There are also many children who keep watching videos endlessly. Recently, the number of consultations from parents of elementary school students has increased. Even if parents tell them to stop, they can’t stop, and they watch it for hours and hours. By the way, YouTube’s terms clearly state that ” This service is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not use the YouTube website .” Basically, it is not recommended for children under the age of 13, so it should be assumed that parents will watch it together. For children under the age of 13, the app ” YouTube Kids ” is available. Parents can manage the videos that can be watched, turn off the search function, and limit the viewing time, so I would like to use this for small children as well.

The “limited mode” is recommended “on”
Some videos are age-restricted. Age-restricted videos will no longer be visible to non-logged-in users, users under the age of 18, and users with restricted mode enabled. Specifically, it displays adult content that you do not want to show to children, such as vulgar words, violent and shocking images, content that suggests sexual content, and videos that include depictions of harmful or dangerous activities. It will not be done, so let’s take advantage of this restriction function first. If you want your child safe you can download educational videos on youtube by using ‘YouTube downloader’.

Let’s set the viewing time limit
For children who keep watching YouTube lazily, take advantage of the viewing time limit function. Tap the profile icon on the upper right “Watching time”. Today, yesterday, within a week, you can see the average daily viewing time. I want to be careful if there are too many. If you turn on “Remind breaks at regular intervals”, you can set the time and remind yourself. You can set the time to remind yourself, which will trigger your child to stop watching. Also, it will be easier to turn off “autoplay”. However, these settings can be changed even by children, and they cannot be enforced just by reminding them. Tell your child about the risk of watching too much and set rules for viewing time at home.